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Sunday, March 13, 2011

He said he wanted to talk to me....

Yesterday I was listening and watching a live service from SaddleBack Church, where Rick Warren is the pastor. Rick wrote a life changing book, for me and many others, titled " The Purpose Driven Life. " Saddleback.com.

God wants to talk to us. He wants us to be tuned in to him. We must turn to him in order to have a relationship . We have to be tuned in all the time, not just when we are in a crisis and need results fast. Not just when we are bargaining and begging " I promise if you get me out of this one, I wont do it again''. We all have those kind of prayers and requests. Mine were foolish, self centered, and manipulative.

Why is it essential to hear from God ?

1) Hearing from God - it proves that we are part of Gods family. Jesus said: "My sheep recognize my voice and follow me." John 10:27. He will give us real life.... Listen.

2) Hearing from God - Protects us from Mistakes - There is a warning that can come from God in advance from traps and situations that we need to stay away from. " Listen for Gods voice in everything you do, and everywhere you go: he is the one who will keep you on tract." Proverbs 3:6..... Listen

3) Hearing from God - Produces an Open Mind - Stay receptive, eager, and willing to hear " I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8.... Listen

When I saw others straining toward God, I did not understand it, for though I may have had him less than they did, there was no one blocking the way between him and me, and I could reach his heart easily.  It is up to him, after all, to have us, our part consists of almost solely in letting him grasp us.  ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke and Benvenuta: An Intimate Correspondence

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.  ~Diana Robinson

Meditate, pray, stop fighting and resisting. If you are wrinkled with fine lines from burdens and worries - Come to God for a faith lift. 

Tune in tomorrow for more on "he said he wanted to talk to me...."
