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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Wednedsay Morning

Woke up this morning after a a stressfull night sleeping. Tossed and turned. Worried about many things...Prayer  helped me find rest before the alarm went off. The decision today is.. just because I feel miserable doesnt mean I have to be miserable.  They say that misery is an option,I say each day is a new beginning. This is the Day the Lord has made , I will rejoice in it !! I start my day off watching Joyce Meyer..LOVE HER !!joycemeyer.org. I was 15 years sober and felt so blah..so not completely surrendred. i was channel surfing and found her and I have been hooked ever since..She is my spiritual mother. Today she spoke about giving our souls a rest..I need to for sure. What a blessing to know that I find rest in The Word,  from my family and friends. Good Day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Well I signed myself up. Support and loving ourselves is the key.
