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Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday - Really need renewal today

Okay...It was pouring outside this morning and air has a raw chill to it. I sent my 9 year old to the bus top with a bent up umbrella and white paint all over his black winter coat. What a train wreck he looked as he trudged up the street stepping in every icy puddle he could find. My Jon is always looking for an adventure and ways to take it up a notch in his life. I love that about him. Jon is always happy and full of wonder, always questioning life, always looking for the next invention with a toy or something  simple as a fishing vest with pockets. He sure knows how to fill those pockets and knows exactly what each paperclip, marble, Nerf gun and  slip of paper purpose is.

My Nathan has missed many days of school due to stomach issues. The latest diagnosis is IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. We are requesting further testing. Nathan has even asked for more help and is willing to fast on a liquid diet for 24 hours.  This has been a very stressful situation at home and affects many areas. I have missed a lot of work. It is very hard to watch your child in pain and hope that maybe tomorrow the medication will kick in. I have put a call in to the doctor and hope to get him in for a scope ASAP.

So...I really need renewall today.. find me restoration. Help me to see that no matter what the circumstances in life are, whether in my favor or not.. I can remain content. Today I hope to fill " my pockets" with patience, love, excitement, hope, and endurance.

Content Whatever the Circumstances
 10-14I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.  PHILIPPIANS 10-14: The MESSAGE  BibleGateway.com.

Happy Monday and  Keep it Simple

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well I have been playing around with this blog and of course hit snags. If you happen to read this post, please comment so that I know I am doing something right and that my page is accessible to readers .
I am thinking about what I will write about this coming week. Any suggestions ? I am kinda leaning towards Hope and Renewel, since March is a couple days away, the sun is shinning as I write, a friend saw a large group of Robins, I hear the birds singing in the morning, the days are lighter for longer periods of time, and I am itching to be in the sun on a beach. The picture is taken in Jeckyll Island, Georgia last spring.

 Defination of Hope:

the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
to believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory
Defination of Renewel :
 begin or take up again, as an acquaintance, a conversation, etc.; resume.
to make effective for an additional period: to renew a lease.
to restore or replenish: to renew a stock of goods.
to make, say, or do again.
to revive; reestablish.
to recover (youth, strength, etc.).
to restore
Any ideas on how you find hope and restoration  after a long cold winter , maybe a trial in your life that just doesnt seem to end, or a pain in your soul that is taking more time thatn your care for to heal ?
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Psalms 31:24Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Romans 12:12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
 Keep hanging in there because you are worth it and you are never ever alone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Snowing Friday

Wow what a day for weather. No school and it is the last snow day for the school district. My kids think snow days are awesome, until they hear that it will cut into a scheduled vacation day..which by the way, I have already made camping reservations at Cape Henelopen State Park in Lewes, Delaware on one of the days that was to be a vacation day..Oh well..Family time at a historic site justifies not being in school for me.
The ocean is where I find my peace and soul restoration. I love walking in the mornings listening to podcasts from Joyce Meyer, Chip Ingram, Creflo Dollar. I get so much help and peace when I am reminded over and over again that my shortcomings and struggles are part of being human.  I have a wonderful counselor to nudge me and guide me through life.  I am never alone and no matter where I go and what I go through...there is one thing that will always remain the same in my life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday - Hope

I have just had  a terrific converstaion with a friend from years ago. We are all the same. We all share the same struggles in life, maybe not the same intensities, but the same pain and frustration is there. It can be with relationships, parenting, work, co-workers, family, our children,  ourselves. There is hope when we connect and reach out. There is hope when we tell the truth about our lives, our thought, sna dour feelings and we are still loved and cared for.  There is hope when we realiize that we are worth it in the eyes of God and in the eyes are our dear friends and family.

Hope is believing in the inseen as if it was or will be. Hope is found in the sunny days after a long grey winter.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Wednedsay Morning

Woke up this morning after a a stressfull night sleeping. Tossed and turned. Worried about many things...Prayer  helped me find rest before the alarm went off. The decision today is.. just because I feel miserable doesnt mean I have to be miserable.  They say that misery is an option,I say each day is a new beginning. This is the Day the Lord has made , I will rejoice in it !! I start my day off watching Joyce Meyer..LOVE HER !!joycemeyer.org. I was 15 years sober and felt so blah..so not completely surrendred. i was channel surfing and found her and I have been hooked ever since..She is my spiritual mother. Today she spoke about giving our souls a rest..I need to for sure. What a blessing to know that I find rest in The Word,  from my family and friends. Good Day everyone.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sober,free,and loving me?: just starting

Sober,free,and loving me?: just starting: "Hi there.. I am just starting out and I want to share with you the journey of sobriety, aging, overcoming addictions, learing to love and ca..."

just starting

Hi there.. I am just starting out and I want to share with you the journey of sobriety, aging, overcoming addictions, learing to love and care for ourselves, and finding the freedom to be me, to be us - the way God has us designed to be. Join me with your story.