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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hey there followers...If you dont already know, I now have my blog on a website and will continue to past often on that site. There are great resources available now and I am so excited to come up with new topics,  reviews of books that I have read, exploring more into how we can all be sober, free, and the person that god wants us to be. Hope to see you at http://www.soberfreeandlovingme.com/  Love you all !! Betsy

Monday, March 14, 2011

Part 2 He said he wanted to talk to me - I am listening

Yesterday I talked about why it is essential to hear from God. Today I  continue this conversation with "How to Hear from God"  -about a sermon I heard from Saddleback.com where Rick Warren is the pastor. He touches on 3 main points that are essential to hear from God.

1) Cultivate an open mind- Stop being so stinking resistant ! Stop acting like you are tough and don't need God..we all do and He needs us. Be receptive, stay eager and cooperative. Have a mindset that is wide and far reaching, not narrow, hardened and trampled on.
Having hard soil is having a closed mind. Pride and fear feed the hardened heart. Pride is when we think that we are tough and can do it all by ourselves. Prayer is not important. Fear is being afraid to hear God speak. He may be try to get our attention, but we shut him out.

 "Get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls." JAMES 1:21 NLT

Bitterness keeps our minds and heart closed. It is holding on to hurt, resentment, grudges. It is offensive to God and all the love he has for us.
Unforgiveness is a self -inflicted wound. When we forgive another or a situation, we are the ones who are truly blessed.

“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.”

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”

 2) Take time to listen - Hurry makes it so we cant hear God. When we slow down, we can hear him. God speaks to us in so many different ways. Turn off the chatter in your mind and tune in to the quiet and stillness of your soul...Can you hear him say how awesome you are and how much he wants to be in your life ?
Having a shallow soil is like living superficially. We are touched by something or maybe a sermon  heard in church , but nothing changes. We don't give anything time to sink in or to change in our lives. We  may be stirred a bit in church,  a meeting or a good talk with someone, then we are off and running concerned about our own agendas and our own fast pace in life.

3) Eliminate distractions - the bottom line is that we cannot hear God when our mind is distracted with other things. We are always on the go - but are we really going someplace? Our soil is full of  weeds.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10.

Our God is our refuge and strength. Look at your life and see where you can eliminate distractions that keep you from hearing him.

4) Cooperate with what God says to you - I hear what God says. I remember what he told me. I obey what he says, and I persist until I bear fruit and see change come to my life.
Keep your mind willing. Keep your soil good. God wants us to be successful with family, marriage, fiances, friendships and spiritual growth. He wants us to have emotional, physical, and relational success. He wants our cooperation with him so that he can give to us. He want us to share with others the joy in our lives. We cant keep it unless we give it away.

Slow down, stop the racing and running - Be still and know that he is God.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

He said he wanted to talk to me....

Yesterday I was listening and watching a live service from SaddleBack Church, where Rick Warren is the pastor. Rick wrote a life changing book, for me and many others, titled " The Purpose Driven Life. " Saddleback.com.

God wants to talk to us. He wants us to be tuned in to him. We must turn to him in order to have a relationship . We have to be tuned in all the time, not just when we are in a crisis and need results fast. Not just when we are bargaining and begging " I promise if you get me out of this one, I wont do it again''. We all have those kind of prayers and requests. Mine were foolish, self centered, and manipulative.

Why is it essential to hear from God ?

1) Hearing from God - it proves that we are part of Gods family. Jesus said: "My sheep recognize my voice and follow me." John 10:27. He will give us real life.... Listen.

2) Hearing from God - Protects us from Mistakes - There is a warning that can come from God in advance from traps and situations that we need to stay away from. " Listen for Gods voice in everything you do, and everywhere you go: he is the one who will keep you on tract." Proverbs 3:6..... Listen

3) Hearing from God - Produces an Open Mind - Stay receptive, eager, and willing to hear " I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8.... Listen

When I saw others straining toward God, I did not understand it, for though I may have had him less than they did, there was no one blocking the way between him and me, and I could reach his heart easily.  It is up to him, after all, to have us, our part consists of almost solely in letting him grasp us.  ~Rainer Maria Rilke, Rilke and Benvenuta: An Intimate Correspondence

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.  ~Diana Robinson

Meditate, pray, stop fighting and resisting. If you are wrinkled with fine lines from burdens and worries - Come to God for a faith lift. 

Tune in tomorrow for more on "he said he wanted to talk to me...."


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chasing After The Wind ?

Are you living a meaning full life? Or just chasing after the wind ? Those questions were brought up recently at church.

I can honestly say that somedays life really does feel meaningful, real, promising and free. Then there are the days that feel heavy, long, tiring, and suffocating.  The good news  for me is that the days of real living, real loving, and real promise, tremendously out number the windy days of grey and nothingness.

Not sure how I got to be where I am. It wasnt by my power, although my pride wants to take all the credit. I am not sure how I made it out alive. Addiction had its grips on me. I suffocated for years. That is what addiction does to you - robs of all dignity, strips away the ability to love and have meaning.  Chokes the life out of you and the life out of the people you love and who love you.  Addiction blows the victim all over like a tornado and destroys every one and every thing in their path.

I am done chasing the wind. I am done living in the land of the walking dead. I am strapped down for the ride. I am not where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I use to be. I have been renewed.

Lent is here. Forty days of self reflection and taking stock. It is a time for doing good works for others.

 It is a season in our lives for spiritual renwel, discipline, and self inventory. It is a time to add meaning and Godly behavior to our lives.  Daily reading,praying, journaling, helping others, praying for others are suggestions  for adding meaning and purpose during these 40 days. I love to get up early and have the time to think ,pray, and fill myself up with spiritual teachings and God's word. It is a time for transformation.

 I heard something last night that got me really thinking on how we live our lives and what we place importance on. " Do you want to spend the rest of your life storing up money and things; do you want to work to exhaustion building up the ladder of success; do you want to store up money and things - or do you want a chance to save the world."

When we come to the end of our lives, those things that we thought were so important to own, to drive, to live in, to wear, and to cling on to  will all end  with our death.  " What doesnt end is the impact that we have made on the lives of others."

 I dont know about you, but I want to be an impact , not an accident.  I am done suffocating. I have direction to my path now.  Psalm 119:105 says" Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." I can see where I am going now. I can  have a chance to do something in this world.

 Are you still chasing the wind? Are you or someone you love being robbed of dignity and self respect ? Are you in the grips of accumulating stuff, driven by the worlds view of success, storing up falses riches, and stumbling around in the dark ?

Commit yourself to a honest self inventory. Ask yourself  "Where am I falling short God? How do I keep you number one in my life ? How do I even find you?

One day at a time. One request at a time. One answered pray at a time. He is there, every where all the time. He has never left...we may have left him.

Come Back.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

OPEN 24/7

 I heard this statement a couple of days ago and it really caught my attention:

"God has great office hours - OPEN 24/7."

How cool is that !! Love it.

 How comforting to know that we are never alone. We always have a link to God. There is no waiting list or buttons to push to hear a live voice. Gods voice is always available. Be still and listen to the still small voice with in you. Listen to his spirit trying to get your attention. Where do you need a jump start in your life ?

The season of Lent is here. Lent is typically described as a season of fasting, self denial, growth, simplicity. I like something I read " ...it is a time of spiritual spring cleaning and cleaning out those things that hinder  our personal relationship with Jesus.'"

  What is in your way to Gods unlimited office hours ? What hinders you from reaching out to the greatest source of comfort and care ? I know  I am a great excuse maker. I am a master of denial and " too busy " one liners. Been there done that most of my life - yet my soul has always cried out for comfort and care, for an unlimited sense that I am okay and so is life. I have tried to find that peace through things,substances and a lifestyle that ultimately destroyed me.

Now is a good time to really commit to some spiritual and emotional house keeping. No EXCUSES. NO BARGAINING. NO COMPLAINING. NO BLAMING.

It is not about " I am giving up chocolate for Lent "...add to your life. Add Gods "24/7" free office hours to your automatic dial or Favorites List.

KEEP IT SIMPLE - take a few minutes each day and say "Thank you". Take a 5 minutes break from your daily routine and ask God to show you were to clean out the cobwebs and dust that keep you in constant strife. Commit with a trusted friend or family member that you are going to "do some spiritual housecleaning ' and that you are taking up time with God at his office - OPEN 24/7 - no lines, no fees, no deposits, no insurance card needed.

Folks..we are never alone. He always has time for us.Get out your mop,broom,and bucket and get going.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Digging Out

  The roads are finally clear on my street . The county was in a state of emergency all day. No work and no school for this household and many others in the area. Now there will be school the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. I already made reservations in Delaware, so we will "camper school" the boys that day !!

 I spent the day thinking about different topics to write about on this blog. I heard some really great pod casts over the past several days from Chip Ingram livingontheedge.org and womenoffaith.com/. There are so many good pod casts to listen to and talk about.

As I "dig out" my sources to write about, whether I listen or read them, I am excited where this blog will lead to.

So, as we all shovel out the mess in  our lives after a  big snowstorm, a long cold winter,  a heart break, or personal crisis, take comfort in knowing that  there can be hope and renewal in the days ahead.  When we believe and have faith in our selves and in a power greater than our little being here on earth, there is a lightness and sense of peace that can be had. When our God is big, our problems are small. When our problems are big, our God has become small.

For those of you who have tried to comment and it wont post..I am still trying to get that one figured out . You may need to open a google mail account , which is painless and easy to do. Please keep them coming  on FaceBook if you want.


As I "dig out" my sources to write about, whether I listen or read them, I am excited where this blog will lead to.

In my prayer's and blessings to you  - I wish you a safe travels if you have to go out  tonight and I wish you hope, love, peace, joy, and miracles to come your way.

For those of you who have tried to comment and it wont post..I am still trying to get that one figured out . You may need to open a google mail account , which is painless and easy to do. Please keep them coming  on FaceBook if you want.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I saw a Sign

My cell phone went off several times today in church " WEATHER  UPDATE: Winter Storm Warning  - 8-10 inches of snow." UGH UGH. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH.
 As I was leaving church there was a sign of whats to come along the side walk  - buds from Daffodils and Crocus. I felt sudden relief. It has to improve soon.



I guess that is the way life is. We have storms that are brewing. We predict that things are going to be horrible, predict that we are ruined or will never see the light. We think that the stress will kill us or we will drown in our anger, grief, and fear because life is not the way we want it. We cant control or fix anyone. We fight and manipulate to get our way. We get it and then we are still miserable..STOP !!!

Just hold on. Find the quiet in your soul. Find the love from your God. Cast your cares and burdens on him. Hand over the people you want to be different to suit your comfort zone. That is Gods job to mold them into his likeness, not yours to toss around. Let go and let God be God.

 He will give you light and make your paths straight.  Search for buds of hope, buds of faith, flowers of new life, and victory. Its in your reach. It is on every sidewalk you walk and every corner you turn.

Watch and listen. One day at a time and one step at a time we can channel  the weight from our weary souls into a garden overflowing with Gods beautiful creations. His love is an everlasting love.

The snow continues to fall but my soul rests in knowing that just around the corner the days will be even longer, buds will be out everywhere, and my heart will be free from burdens and concerns - if I just let them go.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What should I talk about this week

My mind is like an interstate freeway as I ponder what to write about in the next several days. That makes me think about something a friend had said to me about how the minds of women and men work - " A woman's mind is like a bowl of spaghetti and a mans mind is like a waffle/ice cube - everything is in a compartment and simple for a man and a woman is all over the place/complex with her thoughts. Can anyone relate ? 


So for now... I  wish everyone a joyous and grateful Saturday.

 "This is the day that God acted - lets celebrate and be festive." - Psalm 118:24 The Message

Until next time Do your best to celebrate being you and loving those around you.

 Please feel free to comment I think I have the glitch fixed to you will be able to comment.

Friday, March 4, 2011

TGIF - I will make this short and sweet

When life gives you lemons make lemonade  or something like that. Boy today when I got up I just wanted to crawl back in bed. Just seems like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. Between kids health issues and academic struggles, what do I want to do with my life head battles, cant find the right curtains, and who drank all the milk -  I had had enough !!!  The good news is that I just kept one foot in front of the other - keeping my eye on the prize  -  a haircut and color with dear Laura.  Nothing like a few blond highlights and a snazzy cut to bring me back around. Don't you just wish everyday your hair looked freshly cut and styled just right  ? Tomorrow it will go back to the same mop of curls no matter how much gel,mouse, lotion, anti-frizz, hairspray, root lifter, straightener, etc I put in and on it. Can anyone relate ? But does it really matter ?

Anyways .the good news is that one minute, one hour and one day at a time we can get through the days that feels like tornado's and the life situations that feel hopeless.
Friends, a higher power, and God can be our sources for hope, encouragement, compassion, endurance, strength and renewal. We are Gods masterpieces. He sees our beauty from the inside, man sees it from the outside. No amount of gel, spray, or highlights will perfect us in the worlds view of what is supposed to be important and significant. Life truly is amazing when we can believe  that we are truly loved and lovable.  With that knowledge buried deep in our hearts..it will be so easy to make lemonade out of the lemons life has given us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday - Breathing Hope

 I just got home from my small group. We just finished a great study " Forgotten God- Reversing our Tragic Neglect of The Holy Spirit " by Frances Chan. Powerful study. It is so great to know that none of us are ever alone. I had no idea most of my life that there was a God and never knew about the Holy Spirit. For years my God was alcohol,drugs,food,exercise,denial, measuring myself by others and the worlds standards ( I still struggle with that one - and shopping !), fixing others,avoiding  others, avoiding reality....on and on it could go. By the power of the Spirit we are filled with hope because our God is a God of hope who fills us, his children, with all kinds of joy and peace.

How hopeful it is to know that today and all the days of our life, past, present, and future we  can have a real relationship with a Father who loves us just as we are.We don't have to look a certain way, have a certain house in a ritzy neighborhood, look like we just stepped out of the gym with an ageless body, have numerous college degrees, or drive the latest SUV- wouldn't mind one though  - just saying ! Seriously - material possessions, the worlds view of what is important, power ,status, Clinique, Mary Kay,or leaning our ladder of success on the wrong wall  will eventually fail and leave us empty, without joy and peace.

 Now how can you not feel hopeful knowing that "the spirit of God has made me:the breath of almighty God gives me life " ( Job 33:4)   So...pray for how God wants you to BE not what you think you are supposed to do. Ponder these quotes and tell me what you think:

"But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through"
Francis Chan
"The irony is that while God doesn’t need
us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the
"Lukewarm living and claiming Christ's name simultaneously is utterly disgusting to God."
Francis Chan (Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday - Where's the fruit?

Well we made it through Nathans scope this morning and will be waiting for biopsy results Friday. Watching him be sedated was really hard. I had to leave the room. Talk about feeling powerless. It took longer to get him set up for the scope, than the actually procedure itself. So I thank all my friends and family who have prayed for Nathan and for our family during these past stressful weeks.

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get.  ~Frank A. Clark

So life goes on and we wait. Trying to stay hopeful and restored. Love can be the source of restoration and renewal. I have been trying to be mindful of the fruits of the spirit. Believe me there are days when I am not feeling so affectionate and compassionate. Those are the days that I think the world resolves around me. Some habits of self centeredness are hard to break,however are changeable. That is indeed good news.

Galatians 5:22-23 (New Living Translation)

 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things.

Galatians 5:22-23 (The Message)

 22-23But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
 23-24Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way. Among those who belong to Christ, everything connected with getting our own way and mindlessly responding to what everyone else calls necessities is killed off for good—crucified

And so it goes..another day will go by, another chance to hope that Nathan will get better, another chance that restoration will come in a good nights sleep and in  the love and comfort of family and friends. Thank you for these gifts.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday - Really need renewal today

Okay...It was pouring outside this morning and air has a raw chill to it. I sent my 9 year old to the bus top with a bent up umbrella and white paint all over his black winter coat. What a train wreck he looked as he trudged up the street stepping in every icy puddle he could find. My Jon is always looking for an adventure and ways to take it up a notch in his life. I love that about him. Jon is always happy and full of wonder, always questioning life, always looking for the next invention with a toy or something  simple as a fishing vest with pockets. He sure knows how to fill those pockets and knows exactly what each paperclip, marble, Nerf gun and  slip of paper purpose is.

My Nathan has missed many days of school due to stomach issues. The latest diagnosis is IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. We are requesting further testing. Nathan has even asked for more help and is willing to fast on a liquid diet for 24 hours.  This has been a very stressful situation at home and affects many areas. I have missed a lot of work. It is very hard to watch your child in pain and hope that maybe tomorrow the medication will kick in. I have put a call in to the doctor and hope to get him in for a scope ASAP.

So...I really need renewall today.. find me restoration. Help me to see that no matter what the circumstances in life are, whether in my favor or not.. I can remain content. Today I hope to fill " my pockets" with patience, love, excitement, hope, and endurance.

Content Whatever the Circumstances
 10-14I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.  PHILIPPIANS 10-14: The MESSAGE  BibleGateway.com.

Happy Monday and  Keep it Simple

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well I have been playing around with this blog and of course hit snags. If you happen to read this post, please comment so that I know I am doing something right and that my page is accessible to readers .
I am thinking about what I will write about this coming week. Any suggestions ? I am kinda leaning towards Hope and Renewel, since March is a couple days away, the sun is shinning as I write, a friend saw a large group of Robins, I hear the birds singing in the morning, the days are lighter for longer periods of time, and I am itching to be in the sun on a beach. The picture is taken in Jeckyll Island, Georgia last spring.

 Defination of Hope:

the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
to believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory
Defination of Renewel :
 begin or take up again, as an acquaintance, a conversation, etc.; resume.
to make effective for an additional period: to renew a lease.
to restore or replenish: to renew a stock of goods.
to make, say, or do again.
to revive; reestablish.
to recover (youth, strength, etc.).
to restore
Any ideas on how you find hope and restoration  after a long cold winter , maybe a trial in your life that just doesnt seem to end, or a pain in your soul that is taking more time thatn your care for to heal ?
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Psalms 31:24Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Romans 12:12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
 Keep hanging in there because you are worth it and you are never ever alone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Snowing Friday

Wow what a day for weather. No school and it is the last snow day for the school district. My kids think snow days are awesome, until they hear that it will cut into a scheduled vacation day..which by the way, I have already made camping reservations at Cape Henelopen State Park in Lewes, Delaware on one of the days that was to be a vacation day..Oh well..Family time at a historic site justifies not being in school for me.
The ocean is where I find my peace and soul restoration. I love walking in the mornings listening to podcasts from Joyce Meyer, Chip Ingram, Creflo Dollar. I get so much help and peace when I am reminded over and over again that my shortcomings and struggles are part of being human.  I have a wonderful counselor to nudge me and guide me through life.  I am never alone and no matter where I go and what I go through...there is one thing that will always remain the same in my life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday - Hope

I have just had  a terrific converstaion with a friend from years ago. We are all the same. We all share the same struggles in life, maybe not the same intensities, but the same pain and frustration is there. It can be with relationships, parenting, work, co-workers, family, our children,  ourselves. There is hope when we connect and reach out. There is hope when we tell the truth about our lives, our thought, sna dour feelings and we are still loved and cared for.  There is hope when we realiize that we are worth it in the eyes of God and in the eyes are our dear friends and family.

Hope is believing in the inseen as if it was or will be. Hope is found in the sunny days after a long grey winter.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Wednedsay Morning

Woke up this morning after a a stressfull night sleeping. Tossed and turned. Worried about many things...Prayer  helped me find rest before the alarm went off. The decision today is.. just because I feel miserable doesnt mean I have to be miserable.  They say that misery is an option,I say each day is a new beginning. This is the Day the Lord has made , I will rejoice in it !! I start my day off watching Joyce Meyer..LOVE HER !!joycemeyer.org. I was 15 years sober and felt so blah..so not completely surrendred. i was channel surfing and found her and I have been hooked ever since..She is my spiritual mother. Today she spoke about giving our souls a rest..I need to for sure. What a blessing to know that I find rest in The Word,  from my family and friends. Good Day everyone.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sober,free,and loving me?: just starting

Sober,free,and loving me?: just starting: "Hi there.. I am just starting out and I want to share with you the journey of sobriety, aging, overcoming addictions, learing to love and ca..."

just starting

Hi there.. I am just starting out and I want to share with you the journey of sobriety, aging, overcoming addictions, learing to love and care for ourselves, and finding the freedom to be me, to be us - the way God has us designed to be. Join me with your story.